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Comparison of current standards and original national standards for commonly used metal wire woven square hole screens

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Comparison of current standards and original national standards for commonly used metal wire woven square hole screens

GB/T 6003.1-1997金属丝编织网试验筛
Test sieves of metal wire cloth
EQV ISO 3310-1:1990代替GB/T 6003-1985,GB/T 6004-1985


GB/T 6003.2-1997金属穿孔板试验筛
Test sieves of perforated metal plate
EQV ISO 3310-2:1990代替GB/T 6003-1985


GB/T 5329-2003试验筛与筛分试验 术语
Test sieves and test sieving--Vocabulary
MOD ISO 2395:1990代替GB/T 5329-1985


GB/T 5330-2003工业用金属丝编织方孔筛网
Industrial woven metal wire cloth (square opening series)代替GB/T 5330-1985


GB/T 10611-2003工业用网 标记方法与网孔尺寸系列
Industrial screens--Designation and nominal sizes of apertures
MOD ISO 2194:1991代替GB/T 10611-1989


GB/T 10612-2003工业用筛板 板厚<3 mm的圆孔和方孔筛板
Industrial plate screens--Thickness below 3 mm--Round and square holes
MOD ISO 7805-2:1987代替GB/T 10612-1989


GB/T 10613-2003工业用筛板 板厚≥3 mm的圆孔和方孔筛板
Industrial plate screens--Thickness of 3 mm and above--Round and square holes
MOD ISO 7805-1:1987代替GB/T 10613-1989


GB/T 17492-1998工业用金属丝编织网 技术要求和检验
Industrial woven wire cloth--Technical requirements and testing
EQV ISO 9044:1990


GB/T 6003.3-1999电成型薄板试验筛
Test sieves of electroformed sheetsEQV ISO 3310-3:1990


GB/T 5330.1-2000工业用金属筛网和金属丝编织网 网孔尺寸与金属丝直径组合选择指南 通则
Industrial wire screens and woven wire cloth--Guide to the choice of aperture size and wire diameter combinations--Part 1:Generalities EQV ISO 4783-1:1989


GB/T 18850-2002工业用金属丝筛网 技术要求和检验
Industrial wire screens--Technical requirements and testing
IDT ISO 14315:1997


GB/T 19360-2003工业用金属穿孔板 技术要求和检验方法
Industrial plate screens--Specifications and test methodsIDT ISO 10630:1994


GB/T 19627-2005粒度分析--光子相关光谱法
Particle size analysis-Photon correlation spectroscopyIDT ISO 13321:1996


GB/T 19628.2-2005工业用金属丝 网和金属丝编织网 网孔尺寸与金属丝直径组合选择指南 金属丝编织网的优先组合选择
Industrial wire screens woven wire cloth-Guide to the choice of aperture size and wire diameter combinations-Part 2:Preferred combination for woven wire cloth 
MOD ISO 4783/2:1989


GB/T 20099-2006样品制备-粉末在液体中的分散方法
Sample preparation - Dispersing procedures for powders in liquids
IDT ISO 14887:2000


GB/T 15445.4-2006粒度分析结果的表述-第4部分:分级过程的表征
Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 4: Characterization of a classification process 
IDT ISO 9276-4


GB/T 15445.2-2006粒度分析结果的表述-第2部分:由粒度分布计算平均粒径/直径和各次矩
Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions 
IDT ISO 9276-2:2001(E)


GB/T 20100-2006不锈钢纤维烧结滤毡
Stainless steel fiber sintering medium


GB/T 21648-2008金属丝编织密纹网
Industrial dense woven wire cloth


GB/T 21650.1-2008压汞法和气体吸附法测定固体材料孔径分布和孔隙度 第1部分:压汞法
Pore size distribution and porosity of solid materials by mercury porosimetry and gas adsorption - Part 1: Mercury porosimetry 
IDT ISO15901-1:2005


GB/T 21650.2-2008压汞法和气体吸附法测定固体材料孔径分布和孔隙度 第2部分:气体吸附法分析介孔和大孔
Pore size distribution and porosity of solid materials by mercury porosimetry and gas adsorption - Part 2: Analysis of mesopores and macropores by gas adsorption 
IDT ISO 15901-2:2006


GB/T 21649.1-2008粒度分析 图像分析法 第1部分:静态图像分析法
Particle size analysis - Image analysis methods - Part 1: Static image analysis method 
MOD ISO 13322-1:2004


GB/T 12620-2008长圆孔、长方孔和圆孔筛板
Round and elongated apertures with round and square plate screens 
代替GB/T 3943-1983,GB/T 12620-1990


GB/T 19077.1-2008粒度分析 激光衍射法 第1部分:通则
Particle size analysis - Laser diffraction methods - Part 1: General principles
代替GB/T 19077.1-2003


GB/T 15445.1-2008粒度分析结果的表述 第1部分:图形表征
Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 1: Graphical representation
代替GB/T 15445-1995
IDT ISO 9276-1:1998


GB/T 15602-2008工业用筛和筛分 术语
Industrial screens and screening - Vocabulary
代替GB/T 15602-1995 
MOD ISO 9045:1990(E)


GB/T 10061-2008筛板筛孔的标记方法
Screen plants - Codification for designating perforations
代替GB/T 10061-1988 
MOD ISO 7806:1983


GB/T 16742-2008颗粒粒度分布的函数表征 幂函数
Function representation of particle size distribution - Power-function
代替GB/T 16742.1-1997


GB/T 16418-2008颗粒系统术语
Particle system - Vocabulary
代替GB/T 16418-1996


GB/T 6005-2008试验筛 金属丝编织网、穿孔板和电成型薄板 筛孔的基本尺寸
Test sieves - Metal wire cloth, perforated metal plate and electroformed sheet - Nominal sizes of openings
代替GB/T 6005-1997 
MOD ISO 565:1990


GB/T 25863-2010不锈钢烧结金属丝网多孔材料及其元件
Stainless steel sintered metal mesh materials and components


GB/T 15445.5-2011粒度分析结果的表述 第5部分:用对数正态概率分布进行粒度分析的计算方法
Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 5: Methods of calculations relating to particle size analyses using logarithmic normal probability distribution 
IDT ISO 9276-5:2005


GB/T 26645.1-2011粒度分析 液体重力沉降法 第1部分:通则
Determination of particle size distribution by gravitational liquid sedimentation methods - Part 1: General principles and guidelines 
IDT ISO 13317-1:2001


GB/T 26647.1-2011单粒与光相互作用测定粒度分布的方法 第1部分:单粒与光相互作用
Determination of particle size distribution - Single-particle light interaction methods - Part 1: Light interaction considerations 
IDT ISO 13323-1:2000


GB/T 21650.3-2011压汞法和气体吸附法测定固体材料孔径分布和孔隙度 第3部分:气体吸附法分析微孔
Pore size distribution and porosity of solid materials by mercury porosimetry and gas adsorption - Part3: Analysis of micropores by gas adsorption 
IDT ISO15901-3:2007


GB/T 13307-1991预弯成型金属丝编织方孔网
Industrial pre-crimped wire screens (square opening series) 
NEQ ISO 4783-3:1981


JB/T 7860-2000工业网用金属丝
Metal wire for industrial wire screens woven wire cloth
GB 8605-88,JB/T 7860-95


JB/T 7859-2000稻谷加工工业用钢丝编织长孔筛网
JB/T 7859—1995


JB/T 9156-1999铸造用试验筛
ZB J31 004—1988


JB/T 9155-2000输送用金属丝编织网带
JB/T 9155—1999

Made in China Mao Qun stainless steel wire mesh, stainless steel screen mesh, stainless steel woven mesh, nickel alloy wire mesh, copper wire mesh, screen mesh,GFW metal wire mesh,Stainless steel wire mesh,Alloy wire mesh,Knitted metal wire mesh,Woven Wire Mesh,Structured packing
