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Characteristics and uses of high temperature alloys

2024-07-25 13:32:49 wiremeshxr


Characteristics and uses of high temperature alloys



Key Features

Application examples

Solid solution strengthened iron-based alloy


It has a good combination of strength and plasticity at all temperatures, high thermal strength, good thermal fatigue and oxidation resistance; its stamping, welding and other process performances are good. Aging phenomenon occurs in long-term use

Used for combustion chambers and afterburner chambers of turbocharged engines operating below 950°C


It has good oxidation resistance, plasticity, high thermal strength and good thermal fatigue resistance, and its stamping and welding process performance is good. It has aging phenomenon in long-term use.

Used for combustion chambers and afterburner chambers of turbocharged engines operating below 950°C


Good oxidation resistance, plasticity and impact resistance

Combustion chambers, afterburners and other sheet metal parts for turbine engines


It can reach sufficiently high instantaneous strength when used at (900 ~ 1000)℃ for a short time; good hot working plasticity

For turbine disks, shafts and fasteners below 700°C


Long-term use at 900℃ has high strength and good comprehensive performance, and short-term use below 1000℃ can achieve sufficient instantaneous strength; good hot processing plasticity, easy welding, cold forming and cutting

Used for combustion chamber and afterburner parts of turbine engines below 900℃ , and short-time working parts at (7001000)℃ , etc.


It has good oxidation resistance and thermal fatigue resistance, high plasticity and certain thermal strength; and has good impact, welding and other process performances.

Combustion chamber and afterburner components for turbine engines with an operating temperature of (800 ~ 900) °C


It has good hot and cold working properties, good processing properties in the solid solution state, and high high temperature strength after complete heat treatment.

Used for turbine engine combustion chambers, afterburner chambers and other high-temperature components with operating temperatures below 800°C


The alloy has simple composition, stable structure, good physical and mechanical properties at (600 ~ 650) ℃ , and good cutting performance; the alloy has a large expansion coefficient

For turbine disks, rings and fasteners at 650°C


It has sufficient thermal strength when used at around 700℃ and has good cutting and welding performance.

Used for turbine disks, ring parts, stamping and welding parts and fastening parts below 700℃


It has good hot processing plasticity. Its structure and performance are stable when used for a long time below 800℃. Its high temperature strength is equivalent to GH4037.

For supercharger turbine and gas turbine blade materials below 800℃


Good comprehensive performance, high yield limit, good hot processing plasticity and cutting processability

Used for turbine disks, rings, stamping welded parts and fastening parts below 700℃


It has good thermal strength and hot processing plasticity, but poor fatigue performance and poor cutting performance. Surface aluminizing can improve oxidation resistance

For turbine disks, blades and other high temperature parts at (700 ~ 750)℃


It has good comprehensive performance when used below 700℃ , has stable structure after long-term use , has good oxidation resistance, and has a small linear expansion coefficient. It is easy to weld and form

Turbine disc material for (650 ~ 700)℃


High thermal strength, good hot and cold processing plasticity, low notch sensitivity, its main performance is equivalent to GH4037 . Surface aluminizing can improve oxidation resistance

Used for gas turbine blades with working temperature of (800 ~ 850)℃ and gas turbine blades with working temperature of 700 ~ 750)℃

Solid solution strengthened nickel-based alloy


The alloy structure is stable and has little aging tendency. It has good oxidation resistance, good processing performance and welding performance.

Used in combustion chambers and afterburners below 800℃ . This alloy can be replaced by GH1140


 It has sufficient lasting strength, good thermal fatigue resistance and anti-oxidation performance when used below 800℃ ; the structure is stable after long-term use; and it is easy to weld and cold stamp.

Used for flame tubes and afterburner materials below 850℃


It has high strength, plasticity, thermal fatigue resistance, excellent oxidation resistance and good stamping, welding and other process performances.

Combustion chamber and afterburner components for aircraft engines


Good comprehensive performance , long service life , good oxidation resistance, good organizational stability and good welding performance

Used for combustion chambers and afterburner components of turbine engines with an operating temperature of 950°C

Age-hardening iron-based alloy


It has satisfactory high temperature strength at 750℃ , good oxidation resistance below 900℃ , good hot working and mechanical working properties, and is easy to forge and roll.

Materials used for turbine blades with an operating temperature of 700°C and turbine disks with an operating temperature of 750°C


It has high strength and structural stability and good comprehensive performance when used below 850℃ . Good plasticity, high fatigue strength, good hot and cold processing performance, and notch sensitivity

Turbine blade material for working at 800 ~ 850℃


The structure is stable when used below 850℃ , with sufficient strength and good comprehensive performance, and the anti-oxidation performance is equivalent to GH4037

Used for exhaust valve seat rear clamp parts and combustion turbine blades with working temperature of 800-850℃


It has high high temperature strength below 950℃ , low notch sensitivity, good oxidation resistance and fatigue strength, but poor hot working plasticity. Its hot working plasticity can be improved by vacuum self-consumable or electroslag remelting.

Used for 900℃ gas turbine blades and other high-temperature components with high stress


It is further alloyed on the basis of GH4033 and has good comprehensive properties. Compared with GH4033 , it has uniform and fine grains, high yield strength (80-100) MPa , improved creep and fatigue properties. It has good hot working properties and is easy to form.

Use dry (700 ~ 750) ℃ working turbine disk or blade material


It has the characteristics of high yield strength and good plasticity below 650℃ , and has high corrosion resistance, radiation resistance and oxidation resistance. Good weldability and easy to form

High-strength structural materials used in deep cooling (-196℃ ~ -253℃) , anti-oxidation thermal strength materials working at (350 ~ 700)℃ , and radiation-resistant structural materials in reactors

Made in China Mao Qun stainless steel wire mesh, stainless steel screen mesh, stainless steel woven mesh, nickel alloy wire mesh, copper wire mesh, screen mesh,GFW metal wire mesh,Stainless steel wire mesh,Alloy wire mesh,Knitted metal wire mesh,Woven Wire Mesh,Structured packing
