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Types, applications and technical parameters of anti-blocking screens

2024-07-30 12:04:27 wiremeshxr

Types, applications and technical parameters of anti-blocking screens
Types of anti-blocking screens
(1) Rectangular hole screens
Rectangular hole screens are deformed on the premise of meeting the screening process requirements, and a certain proportion of rectangular holes are used. For example, the original requirement of 3.5X3.5mm mesh is changed to 3.5X5mm or longer rectangular holes. However, the different directions of the mesh will affect the screening accuracy and the service life of the screen to a certain extent.
When this screen is screened, the flake material in the stone is easy to be screened out. Therefore, this screen can only be used for screening materials with little blockage and basically no flakes in the stone.
(2) Diamond anti-blocking screen
Diamond hole anti-blocking screen, using this screen, it is woven with two adjacent identical screen bars with slight vibrations. It has a better anti-blocking effect.
(3) Triangular anti-blocking screen
Triangular hole anti-blocking screen. The characteristic of this screen is that one of the two adjacent screen bars is a static screen bar and the other is a dynamic screen bar.
Its basic principle is to expand the two-dimensional fixed holes in the plane to three-dimensional variable mesh holes, and use the secondary vibrations generated by adjacent screen bars in random vibrations to establish effective vibration differences. The continuous change of the screen holes during screening is achieved, so there is relatively no fixed critical particle stone. The specific method is to set a dynamic screen bar with a relatively large vibration amplitude between two relatively immobile static screen bars. The dynamic screen bar can bounce the stone during the jam or make it pass through the screen. According to the characteristics of the stone, the relative elasticity and vibration amplitude of the static and dynamic screen bars are adjusted accordingly, so that the screen can be in the best screening state. The screening efficiency can be increased by about 30% compared with the fixed mesh screen. The self-cleaning function of the screen is basically realized, which greatly reduces the blockage of the screen holes. The
static screen bars of this screen are coarser than the dynamic screen bars, so it not only increases the wear resistance of the screen, but also improves the screening efficiency. At the same time, the screen bar structure of the screen can minimize the contact points between the stone and the screen hole, reducing the occurrence of hole blockage.
(4) Corrugated anti-blocking screen
Corrugated anti-blocking screen. The principle of this kind of screen is to use the vibration difference between the two screen bars to achieve the anti-blocking effect. If there are stone particles embedded between the two screen bars, the vibration difference of the two screen bars can make the particles stuck in the middle pass smoothly, which has the effect of preventing the hole from being blocked.

Selection of anti-blocking screen
The above-mentioned anti-blocking screens all have the effect of preventing blocking, but not every specification is suitable for stone screening in any state, so when we choose, we should make corresponding choices according to the characteristics of our materials.
(1) Rectangular hole screen: Generally speaking, if the stone particles are relatively regular, dry, and there are not too many flakes, a rectangular hole screen can be used;
(2) Diamond anti-blocking screen: If the stone grading requirements are high and there are many flakes, a diamond anti-blocking screen should be preferred, such as stone screening in asphalt pavement of highways;
(3) Triangular anti-blocking screen: The triangular anti-blocking screen is also suitable for screening with high grading requirements, but it is mainly used for screening of stone particles less than 8mm;
(4) Wave-shaped anti-blocking screen: For screening of intermediate transition properties, such as adding another screening between coarse screening and fine screening, it is recommended to use a wave-shaped anti-blocking hole screen. Its advantage is that it has a high screening efficiency and is suitable for screening materials with more dust, such as tailings.

Parameters that should be provided when selecting an anti-blocking hole screen
(1) The external installation dimensions of the screen. Mainly refers to the length and width of the screen. It should be noted that the length dimension of the screen in the tensioning direction should be the inner dimension of the screen box minus 25-45mm to ensure that the screen can be tensioned during installation.
(2) Screen mesh size.
(3) Screen support beam position dimension. Providing the correct support beam position dimension will play a key role in the installation and use of the anti-blocking screen. The radial position of the anti-blocking screen is woven with reference to the support position of the vibrating screen, that is, the radial position of the woven bar is overlapped with the support beam position.

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