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254SMO Alloy Wire Mesh Types and Characteristics--Anping County Maoqun Wire Mesh Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

2024-06-29 14:57:56 wiremeshxr

254SMO Alloy Wire Mesh Types and Characteristics - Anping County Maoqun Wire Mesh Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
254SMO Alloy Wire Mesh is also known as 254SMO Alloy Screen, 254SMO Alloy Filter, 254SMO Alloy Braided Mesh, 254SMO Filter, 254SMO Alloy Square Hole Mesh, etc.
254SMO is an austenitic stainless steel. Due to its high molybdenum content, it has extremely high resistance to pitting corrosion and crevice corrosion. This grade of stainless steel is developed for use in environments containing halides such as seawater.
254SMO chemical composition
C 0.05-0.10
Si 1.40-2.00
Cr 20.00-22.00
Ni 10.00-12.00
Mo --
N 0.14-0.20
254SMO also has good resistance to uniform corrosion. Especially in halide-containing acid, this steel is better than ordinary stainless steel. Its C content is <0.03%, so it is called pure austenitic stainless steel (<0.01% is also called super austenitic stainless steel). Super stainless steel is a special stainless steel. First of all, it is different from ordinary stainless steel in chemical composition. It refers to a high-alloy stainless steel containing high nickel, high chromium and high molybdenum. Among them, the more famous one is 254SMo containing 6% Mo. This type of steel has very good local corrosion resistance. In seawater, aeration, cracks, and low-speed scouring conditions, it has good pitting resistance (PI ≥ 40) and good stress corrosion resistance. It is a substitute material for Ni-based alloys and titanium alloys. Secondly, in terms of high temperature resistance or corrosion resistance, it has more excellent high temperature resistance or corrosion resistance, and is irreplaceable by 304 stainless steel. In addition, from the classification of stainless steel, the metallographic structure of special stainless steel is a stable austenitic metallographic structure.
High temperature resistance characteristics:
1. A large number of field experiments and extensive use experience have shown that 254SMO has a high resistance to crevice corrosion in seawater even at slightly higher temperatures, which is only available in a few types of stainless steel.
2. The corrosion resistance of 254SMO in acidic solutions and oxidizing halide solutions such as those required for paper bleaching production is comparable to that of the most corrosion-resistant nickel-based alloys and titanium alloys.
3. Due to its high nitrogen content, 254SMO has higher mechanical strength than other types of austenitic stainless steel. In addition, 254SMO also has high ductility and impact strength and good weldability.
4. The high molybdenum content of 254SMO enables it to have a higher oxidation rate during annealing, resulting in a rougher surface than ordinary stainless steel after pickling. However, this has no adverse effect on the corrosion resistance of the steel.
Since this special stainless steel is a high-alloy material, the manufacturing process is quite complicated. Generally, people can only rely on traditional processes to manufacture this special stainless steel, such as infusion, forging, rolling, etc.
Main ingredients: 254SMo containing carbon (C) ≤ 0.02, manganese (Mn) ≤ 1.00, nickel (Ni) 17.5 ~ 18.5, silicon (Si) ≤ 0.8 phosphorus (P) ≤ 0.03, sulfur (S) ≤ 0.01, chromium (Cr) 19.5 ~ 20.5, copper (Cu) 0.5 ~ 1.0, molybdenum (Mo) 6.0 ~ 6.5
National standards: UNS S31254, DIN/EN 1.4547, ASTM A280, ASME SA-240
Application areas:
1. Marine: marine structures in marine environment, seawater desalination, seawater aquaculture, seawater heat exchange, etc.
2. Environmental protection field: flue gas desulfurization equipment for thermal power generation, wastewater treatment, etc.
3. Energy field: atomic power generation, comprehensive utilization of coal, tidal power generation, etc.
4. Petrochemical field: oil refining, chemical and chemical equipment, etc.
5. Food field: salt making, soy sauce brewing, etc.
6. High concentration chloride ion environment: papermaking industry, various bleaching devices.

Nickel alloy wire mesh is also known as rare metal mesh. Types: titanium wire mesh, molybdenum wire mesh, tungsten wire mesh, nickel wire mesh, gold wire mesh, silver wire mesh, niobium wire mesh, etc.
Alloy: Monel alloy mesh, Hastelloy mesh, Inconel alloy mesh, iron-chromium-aluminum wire mesh and nickel-chromium alloy wire mesh, etc.
Widely used are:
iron-chromium-aluminum OCr25A15, 0Cr27Al7Mo2; nickel-chromium alloy Cr15Ni60, Cr20Ni80, Cr20Ni35, Cr20Ni30;
stainless steel 310S, 321, 316; duplex stainless steel 2205, 904L; Hastelloy C-276, B-2; Monel 400, 500; Inconel 600
, 601, 625, 800, 825; nickel foam, etc.
Its product features are: high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance, high resistivity, small resistance temperature coefficient, strong processing ability, good elasticity, etc. It is widely used in petroleum, chemical, rubber, automotive industry, screening particles, filtering gas, liquid, etc. Rare light metals: including lithium, rubidium, cesium, beryllium. Small specific gravity and strong chemical activity. Rare refractory metals: including titanium, zirconium, hafnium, vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum, tungsten. The melting point is high, and the melting point of the compounds generated with carbon, nitrogen, silicon, boron, etc. is also high.
Rare dispersed metals: referred to as scattered metals, including gallium, indium, thallium, germanium, rhenium, selenium, and tellurium. Most of them are found in minerals of other elements. 
Rare metals: Rare rare earth metals: referred to as rare earth metals, including scandium, yttrium and lanthanide elements. Their chemical properties are very similar and they coexist in minerals. Rare radioactive metals: including naturally occurring francium, radium, polonium, actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium in actinide metals, as well as artificially produced technetium, promethium, other actinide elements and radioactive metals 104 to 107.

Introduction to the types and characteristics of domestic and foreign nickel-based superalloy grades
Nickel-based superalloys
1. Chinese grades: solid solution-strengthened nickel-based superalloys
GH3007 (GH5K); GH3030 (GH30); GH3039 (GH39); GH3044 (GH44); GH3128 (GH128);
GH3170 (GH170); GH3536 (GH536); GH3600 (GH600); GH3625 (GH625); GH3652 (GH652);

2. Chinese brand: aging-strengthened nickel-based high-temperature alloy
GH4033 (GH33); GH4037 (GH37); GH4049 (GH49); GH4080A (GH80A); GH4090 (GH90); GH4093 (GH93)
; GH4098 (GH98); GH4099 (GH99); GH4105 (GH105); GH4133 (GH33A);
GH4133B; GH4141 (GH141); GH4145 (GH145); GH4163 (GH163); GH4169 (GH169);
GH4199 (GH199); GH4202 (GH202); GH4220 (GH220); GH4413 (GH413); GH4500 (GH500); GH4586 (GH586)
; GH4648 (GH648); GH4698 (GH698); GH4708 (GH708); GH4710 (GH710);
GH4738 (GH738; GH684); GH4742 (GH742);

3. American brands: solid solution strengthened nickel-based high temperature alloy
Haynes 214; Haynes 230; Inconel 600; Inconel 601; Inconel 602CA; Inconel 617; Inconel 625; RA333; Hastelloy B; Hastelloy N; Hastelloy S; Hastelloy W; Hastelloy X; Hastelloy C-276; Haynes HR-120; Haynes HR-160; Nimonic 75; Nimonic 86;

4. American brands: precipitation hardening nickel-based high-temperature alloy
Astroloy; Custom Age 625PLUS; Haynes 242; Haynes 263; Haynes R-41; Inconel 100;
Inconel 102; Incoloy 901; Inconel 702; Inconel 706; Inconel 718; Inconel 721; Inconel 722; Inconel 725; Inconel 751; Inconel X-750; M-252; Nimonic 80A; Nimonic
90; Nimonic 95; Nimonic 100; Nimonic 105; Nimonic 115; C-263; Pyromet 860; Pyromet 31; Refractaloy 26; Rene, 41; Rene, 95; Rene, 100; Udimet 500; Udimet 520; Udimet 630; Udimet 700; Udimet 710; Unitemp af2-1DA; Waspaloy;

Hastelloy C276, Monel 400 and other corrosion-resistant alloys
Model: C276, B2, Monel 400, Ni, 600
Corrosion-resistant alloy series · Commonly used corrosion-resistant alloy series materials

Chinese brand Foreign brand Characteristics and uses
NS312 Inconel 600 Resistant to high temperature oxide medium corrosion, used in heat treatment and chemical processing industrial equipment
NS112 Inconel 800H Resistant to oxide medium corrosion, high temperature resistance and high carburization resistance, heating tubes, furnace tubes and components in synthetic fiber engineering
NS322 Hastelloy B-2 (Hastelloy B2) Resistant to strong reducing medium corrosion, improved resistance to intergranular corrosion, used in high temperature hydrochloric acid and medium concentration sulfuric acid environment
NS334Hastelloy C276 (Hastelloy C276) is resistant to oxidative chloride aqueous solution and wet chlorine and hypochlorite acid corrosion, and is used in highly corrosive oxidation-reduction composite medium environments.
00Cr20Ni26Mo4.5Cu1.5904L is highly resistant to chloride crevice corrosion and stress corrosion cracking, and has slightly better resistance to pitting corrosion. It is widely used in pulp and papermaking industry and chemical industry.
Pure nickel NICKEL200/201 is mainly used in the alkali industry as a material for steam pipes and alkali pumps.
00Cr21Ni24Mo6.5NAL-6XN high-molybdenum super austenitic stainless steel, a cost-effective alloy that resists chloride ions and stress corrosion
NiCu28-2.5-1.5Monel 400 is a commonly used nickel-copper corrosion-resistant alloy. It has excellent corrosion resistance in hydrofluoric acid and fluorine gas.

GH3039 and other high temperature alloy series
models: GH3039, GH3030, GH4169
high temperature alloy series materials · Commonly used high temperature alloy series materials
Chinese brand basic composition characteristics and uses
GH1131Fe/Cr/Ni solid solution strengthened iron-based high temperature alloy, turbine engine combustion chamber and other high temperature parts working below 900℃
GH1140Fe/Cr/Ni solid solution strengthened iron-based high temperature alloy, high temperature parts working at temperatures above 800℃
GH2132Fe/Cr/Ni/Ti/Mo/VA-286, good hot processing plasticity and cutting processability, stamping welding parts and fastening parts materials
GH3030Ni/Cr good oxidation resistance and processing performance, temperature measuring thermocouple protection tube, used in high temperature oxidizing atmosphereGH3039Ni
/Cr/Mo has sufficient lasting strength at 800℃, good cold and hot fatigue performance and anti-carburization performance, easy to weld and cold stamping
GH4169Ni/Cr/Mo/NbInconel 718, oxidation resistant and heat-resistant material, used for ultra-high strength fasteners.

Monel alloy wire mesh is also known as monel wire mesh, monel screen, monel filter, monel square hole mesh, monel crimped mesh, monel woven mesh.
Monel, also known as copper-nickel alloy, is an
alloy made of nickel as the matrix with copper, iron, manganese and other elements added. Monel alloy has good corrosion resistance and is silvery white, suitable for edge wire material.
The main products are: MONEL® alloy 400; MONEL® alloy 401; MONEL® alloy 404; MONEL® alloy R-405; MONEL® alloy K-500;
Monel wire mesh demister Monel 400 alloy (UNSN04400 or MCu-28-1.5-1.8 or Ni68Cu28Fe) is a nickel-based alloy material with good corrosion resistance in seawater, chemical solvents, ammonia, sulfur, chlorine, chloride ion resistance, various acidic media such as organic acids, alkaline media, salts and molten salts.
Monel 400 wire mesh: The structure of Monel 400 alloy is a high-strength single-phase solid solution. It is a corrosion-resistant alloy with the largest dosage, the widest application and excellent comprehensive performance. This alloy has excellent corrosion resistance in fluorine gas medium, and also has excellent corrosion resistance to hot concentrated alkali solution. At the same time, it is also resistant to corrosion by neutral solutions, water, seawater, steam, organic compounds, etc. An important feature of this alloy is that it generally does not produce stress corrosion cracks and has good cutting performance. 
Chemical composition of Monel wire mesh:
Ni: Remainder; Cu:28-34; Si:<0.5; Mn:<2.0; C: <0.30; Fe: <2.0Corrosion
resistance of Monel wire mesh:
This alloy has excellent corrosion resistance in fluorine gas and its derivatives. At the same time, it is more corrosion-resistant than copper-based alloys in seawater.
Acid medium: M400 is corrosion-resistant in a concentration of less than 85%. M400 is one of the very few important materials that can be durable.
Water corrosion: In most water corrosion conditions, M400 alloy not only has excellent corrosion resistance, but also rarely suffers from pitting corrosion and stress corrosion. The corrosion rate is less than 0.25mm/
a. High temperature corrosion: The maximum temperature of M400 in continuous operation in air is generally around 600℃. In high temperature steam, the corrosion rate is less than 0.026mm/
a. Ammonia: Due to the high nickel content of Monel 400 alloy, it can resist corrosion under ammonia and ammoniation conditions below 585℃.

Product characteristics of Monel alloy wire mesh: Monel 400 is a corrosion-resistant alloy with large dosage, wide application and excellent comprehensive performance. This alloy has excellent corrosion resistance in hydrofluoric acid and fluorine gas media, and also has excellent corrosion resistance to hot concentrated alkali solution. At the same time, it is also resistant to corrosion by neutral solutions, water, seawater, atmosphere, organic compounds, etc. An important feature of this alloy is that stress corrosion cracking is generally not generated and the cutting performance is good. The organization of Monel 400 alloy is a high-strength single-phase solid solution.
resistance of the product: Monel 400 alloy has excellent corrosion resistance in fluorine gas, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid and their derivatives. At the same time, it is more corrosion-resistant than copper-based alloys in seawater. Acid medium: Monel 400 is corrosion-resistant in sulfuric acid with a concentration of less than 85%. Monel 400 is one of the few important materials that can withstand hydrofluoric acid. Water corrosion: Monel 400 alloy not only has excellent corrosion resistance in most water corrosion conditions, but also rarely suffers from pitting corrosion and stress corrosion, and the corrosion rate is less than 0.025mm/a. High temperature corrosion: The highest temperature of Monel 400 in continuous operation in air is generally around 600℃, and the corrosion rate in high-temperature steam is less than 0.026mm/a. Ammonia: Due to the high nickel content of Monel 400 alloy, it can withstand corrosion under anhydrous ammonia and ammoniation conditions below 585℃.

Product application: Monel 400 alloy is a versatile material that can be used in many industrial fields:
1. Seamless water pipes and steam pipes in power plants 2. Seawater exchangers and evaporators 3. Sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid environments 4. Crude oil distillation 5. Pump shafts and propellers for deep seawater equipment 6. Equipment for uranium refining and isotope separation in the nuclear industry 7. Pumps and valves used in hydrochloric acid equipment.

Copper wire mesh is also known as copper wire mesh cloth, copper wire woven mesh, copper wire filter mesh, copper wire cloth, copper wire screen, copper wire filter mesh, copper wire square hole mesh, copper wire crimping mesh.
Types of copper wire mesh: brass wire mesh, phosphor bronze wire mesh (tin bronze wire mesh), copper wire mesh, etc.
1. Brass mesh material: brass wire
features : non-magnetic, wear-resistant, good ductility.
Specifications: 10 mesh/inch-100 mesh/inch Width: 0.6-1.5m
Weaving: plain, twill.
Uses: screening various particles, powders, porcelain clay, glass, porcelain printing, filtering liquids and gases.
2. Phosphor copper mesh: alias tin bronze mesh
material: phosphor copper wire (tin bronze wire)
features: non-magnetic, wear-resistant, good ductility.
Specifications: 10 mesh/inch-350 mesh/inch Width: 0.6-1.5m
Weaving: plain, twill.
Uses: screening various particles, powders, porcelain clay, glass, porcelain printing, filtering liquids and gases.
3. Copper mesh: alias exhibition mesh
material: copper wire
features : non-magnetic, wear-resistant, good sound insulation, filtering electron beam
specifications: 4 mesh/inch-60 mesh. Inch
width: 0.76-1.2m
Weaving: plain, twill.
Uses: Screening various particles, powders, porcelain clay, glass, wall sound insulation, electronic display screens.

Titanium wire mesh is also known as titanium mesh, titanium filter mesh, titanium wire woven mesh, titanium wire square hole mesh, titanium alloy screen mesh, titanium wire crimped mesh, titanium wire metal mesh.
Types of titanium wire mesh include titanium plate mesh, titanium foil mesh, titanium plate stretched mesh, titanium foil stretched mesh, titanium wire woven mesh, titanium plate punched mesh, titanium wire woven gas-liquid filter mesh, electrode titanium mesh, filter titanium mesh, screening titanium mesh, pure titanium mesh, titanium alloy mesh.
Material: pure titanium, titanium alloy;
Brand: TA1, TA2, TA3, GR1, GR2;
1. Pure titanium wire Ti≥99.6%
2. High-purity titanium wire, bright surface without oxide layer
3. Medical titanium wire
weaving method: plain weave, twill, dense weave
Aperture: 0.02mm-23.7mm
Mesh: 0.3 mesh-400 mesh
Width: 5mm-2000mm 
Performance: acid-resistant, alkali-resistant, high temperature-resistant, wear-resistant and other properties.
Application: Titanium has excellent qualities such as light specific gravity, high strength, low temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, and not easy to oxidize. It is widely used in aerospace, shipbuilding, military industry, chemical machinery, electric power, seawater desalination, medical equipment and other fields, and plays an important role in the development of the national economy. It can also be used in high-temperature electric furnaces, mining, petroleum, chemical industry, food, medicine, machinery manufacturing and other industries.

Inconel wire mesh is also known as Inconel wire mesh, Inconel alloy wire mesh, Inconel alloy wire mesh, Inconel mesh, filter mesh, etc. Inconel
alloy wire mesh grades: inconel600, inconel601, inconel625, incone690, inconel718, inconel X-750.
Inconel wire mesh is a nickel-based alloy mesh that can be used in a temperature range from low temperature to 1093 degrees. It has no magnetism, very good cold forming performance, good welding performance, good corrosion resistance to medium-intensity reducing environments, and will not corrode chloride ions and alkaline salt solutions. The product has been used in industries such as petrochemicals, aerospace and military industry, hydropower and nuclear power, refining and shipbuilding, onshore and offshore oil and gas, pulp and papermaking, chemical fiber, machinery and equipment manufacturing, and heat exchangers, and is highly recognized by customers.

NiCu30Fe wire mesh is also known as copper-nickel alloy wire mesh, NiCu30Fe filter mesh, NiCu30Fe screen mesh, NiCu30Fe woven mesh, and NiCu30Fe metal mesh.
Common grades of copper-nickel alloy wire mesh: NCu40-2-1, NCu28-1-1, NCu28-2.5-1.5, NCu30 (NW4400) (N04400), NCu30-3-0.5 (NW5500) (N05500), NCu35-1.5-1.5.
NiCu30Fe is a copper-nickel alloy with excellent corrosion resistance. It has good corrosion resistance in various media, good welding performance, high strength and medium strength. The alloy has been widely used in many occasions. It has excellent resistance to pitting and stress corrosion in salt water or seawater. Especially resistant to hydrofluoric acid and hydrochloric acid. It is widely used in chemical, petroleum, marine industry, chemical and petrochemical industry, seawater desalination and marine equipment structures.

0Cr18Ni13 metal wire woven square hole mesh introduction-Anping County Maoqun Wire Mesh Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
0Cr18Ni13 metal wire woven square hole mesh is also known as 0Cr18Ni13 metal mesh, 0Cr18Ni13 woven mesh, 0Cr18Ni13 filter mesh, 0Cr18Ni13 screen mesh, 0Cr18Ni13 stainless steel mesh, 0Cr18Ni13 square hole screen mesh.
0Cr18Ni13 metal wire woven square hole mesh weaving method: plain weave square hole mesh, twill weave square hole mesh.
The filtration accuracy is divided into two levels: A and B.
0Cr18Ni13 metal wire woven square hole mesh implementation standard: HB1862-93

Niobium mesh types and uses - Anping County Maoqun Wire Mesh Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Niobium mesh is also known as niobium wire mesh, niobium wire woven mesh, niobium wire filter mesh, niobium wire screen, niobium wire square hole mesh.
Niobium mesh material: niobium, Niobium (Nb) brand: Nb1 Nb2
Niobium mesh implementation standard: GB/T, ASTMB and relevant national standards Content ≥ 99.95% (maximum: 99.99%)
Niobium mesh process: forging, rolling, drawing Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm)
Niobium mesh types: plain niobium mesh/twill niobium mesh/niobium dense mesh
Niobium mesh performance: corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, strong tensile strength and strong wear resistance
Niobium mesh use: used in chemical industry, medical treatment, glasses, electricity, electroplating, electronics, aviation, aerospace, military industry, petroleum
Note: If there are special requirements for the supply size and specifications, it can be customized according to customer requirements through negotiation between the two parties.

Anping County Maoqun Wire Mesh Manufacturing Co., Ltd.'s main products include: metal wire mesh, metal screen, metal filter, stainless steel wire mesh, stainless steel screen, stainless steel filter, nickel alloy wire mesh, titanium wire mesh, nickel-chromium alloy wire mesh, Inconel wire mesh and a series of industrial metal wire woven wire mesh for industrial construction and other industries. The products are complete in specifications and excellent in quality. While meeting the needs of domestic customers, the products are also exported to many countries and regions such as Europe, America, Southeast Asia, and Africa. (Special specifications, materials, and special-shaped meshes can be customized)

Pure metals: tungsten wire mesh (woifram), molybdenum wire mesh (molybdenum), nickel wire mesh (nickel), titanium wire mesh (titaniam), silver wire mesh (silver), zirconium wire mesh (zirconium), etc.
Alloy: high temperature resistant alloy mesh (suptralloy), corrosion resistant alloy mesh (corrosion restinglloy), precious metal alloy mesh (preliors, metal), monel alloy (monel), hastelloy, inconel alloy (inconel), iron chromium aluminum wire mesh and nickel chromium alloy wire mesh (resistance heatingulloys), Inconel wire mesh, etc.

Hastelloy: C-276, C-22
High temperature alloy: GH4169, GH3030, GH3039, GH4145, GH2132, GH3128, GH3044, GH3536
Corrosion resistant alloy: NS312, NS334, NS333, NS321, NS322, NS336, NS313, NS143, NS142,
Nickel-based alloy: Inconel718, Inconel600, Inconel625, Inconel601, Inconel617, Inconel690, Inconel926, Inconel925, X-750, 1.4529AL-6XN, alloy20, Incoloy800\800H\800HT, Incoloy825
Precision alloy: 4J36, 4JI29, 1J79, 1J85.
Monel alloy: Monel400, Monel K500, 17-4PH, 17-7PH, 254smo, 253MA, XM-19, etc.
Widely used in petrochemical equipment plants are: OCR25A15, 0cr20Ni80, 0cr20Ni35, 0cr25Ni20, SUS310S, SUS309S, SUS321, SUS316, 2205, 2507, c-276, 400, 600, 625, 904L, 800, 825, black stainless steel, colored stainless steel, foam nickel, etc.
254SMO Alloy Wire Mesh Types and Characteristics - Anping County Maoqun Wire Mesh Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
254SMO Alloy Wire Mesh is also known as 254SMO Alloy Screen, 254SMO Alloy Filter, 254SMO Alloy Braided Mesh, 254SMO Filter, 254SMO Alloy Square Hole Mesh, etc.
254SMO is an austenitic stainless steel. Due to its high molybdenum content, it has extremely high resistance to pitting corrosion and crevice corrosion. This grade of stainless steel is developed and researched for use in environments containing halides such as seawater.
254SMO Chemical Composition
C 0.05-0.10
Si 1.40-2.00
Cr 20.00-22.00
Ni 10.00-12.00
Mo --
N 0.14-0.20
254SMO also has good uniform corrosion resistance. Especially in halide-containing acids, this steel is better than ordinary stainless steel. Its C content is <0.03%, so it is called pure austenitic stainless steel (<0.01% is also called super austenitic stainless steel). Super stainless steel is a special stainless steel. First of all, it is different from ordinary stainless steel in chemical composition. It refers to a high-alloy stainless steel containing high nickel, high chromium and high molybdenum. Among them, the more famous is 254SMo containing 6% Mo. This type of steel has very good local corrosion resistance. Under seawater, aeration, gaps, and low-speed scouring conditions, it has good pitting resistance (PI≥40) and good stress corrosion resistance. It is a substitute material for Ni-based alloys and titanium alloys. Secondly, in terms of high temperature resistance or corrosion resistance, it has better high temperature resistance or corrosion resistance, which is irreplaceable by 304 stainless steel. In addition, from the classification of stainless steel, the metallographic structure of special stainless steel is a stable austenitic metallographic structure.
High temperature resistance:
1. A large number of field experiments and extensive use experience show that even at slightly higher temperatures, 254SMO has a high resistance to crevice corrosion in seawater, which is only available in a few types of stainless steel.
2. The corrosion resistance of 254SMO in acidic solutions and oxidizing halide solutions such as those required for paper bleaching production is comparable to that of the most corrosion-resistant nickel-based alloys and titanium alloys.
3. Due to its high nitrogen content, 254SMO has higher mechanical strength than other types of austenitic stainless steel. In addition, 254SMO also has high ductility and impact strength as well as good weldability.
4. The high molybdenum content of 254SMO enables it to have a higher oxidation rate during annealing, resulting in a rougher surface than ordinary stainless steel after pickling. However, this has no adverse effect on the corrosion resistance of the steel.
Since this special stainless steel is a high-alloy material, the manufacturing process is quite complicated, and generally people can only rely on traditional processes to manufacture this special stainless steel, such as infusion, forging, rolling, etc.
Main ingredients: 254SMo containing carbon (C) ≤ 0.02, manganese (Mn) ≤ 1.00, nickel (Ni) 17.5 ~ 18.5, silicon (Si) ≤ 0.8 phosphorus (P) ≤ 0.03, sulfur (S) ≤ 0.01, chromium (Cr) 19.5 ~ 20.5, copper (Cu) 0.5 ~ 1.0, molybdenum (Mo) 6.0 ~ 6.5
National standards: UNS S31254, DIN/EN 1.4547, ASTM A280, ASME SA-240
Application areas:
1. Marine: marine structures in marine environment, seawater desalination, seawater aquaculture, seawater heat exchange, etc.
2. Environmental protection field: flue gas desulfurization equipment for thermal power generation, wastewater treatment, etc.
3. Energy field: atomic power generation, comprehensive utilization of coal, tidal power generation, etc.
4. Petrochemical field: oil refining, chemical and chemical equipment, etc.
5. Food field: salt making, soy sauce brewing, etc.
6. High concentration of chloride ion environment: paper industry, various bleaching devices.

Nickel alloy wire mesh is also known as rare metal mesh. Types: titanium wire mesh, molybdenum wire mesh, tungsten wire mesh, nickel wire mesh, gold wire mesh, silver wire mesh, niobium wire mesh, etc.
Alloy: Monel alloy mesh, Hastelloy mesh, Inconel alloy mesh, iron chromium aluminum wire mesh and nickel chromium alloy wire mesh, etc.
Widely used are:
iron chromium aluminum OCr25A15, 0Cr27Al7Mo2; nickel chromium alloy Cr15Ni60, Cr20Ni80, Cr20Ni35, Cr20Ni30;
stainless steel 310S, 321, 316; duplex stainless steel 2205, 904L; Hastelloy C-276, B-2; Monel 400, 500; Inconel 600,
601, 625, 800, 825; foam nickel, etc.
Its product features are: high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance, high resistivity, small resistance temperature coefficient, strong processing ability, good elasticity, etc. It is widely used in petroleum, chemical, rubber, automotive industry, screening particles, filtering gas, liquid, etc. Rare light metals: including lithium, rubidium, cesium, beryllium. Small specific gravity and strong chemical activity. Rare refractory metals: including titanium, zirconium, hafnium, vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum, tungsten. The melting point is high, and the melting point of the compounds generated with carbon, nitrogen, silicon, boron, etc. is also high.
Rare dispersed metals: referred to as scattered metals, including gallium, indium, thallium, germanium, rhenium, selenium, and tellurium. Most of them are found in minerals of other elements. 
Rare metals: Rare rare earth metals: referred to as rare earth metals, including scandium, yttrium and lanthanide elements. Their chemical properties are very similar and they coexist in minerals. Rare radioactive metals: including naturally occurring francium, radium, polonium and actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium in the actinide metals, as well as artificially produced technetium, promethium, other actinide elements and radioactive metals 104 to 107.

Introduction to the types and characteristics of nickel-based high-temperature alloys at home and abroad Nickel-based
high-temperature alloys
1. Chinese brands: solid solution strengthened nickel- based high-temperature alloys
GH3007 (GH5K); GH3030 (GH30); GH3039 (GH39); GH3044 (GH44); GH3128 (GH128);
GH3170 (GH170); GH3536 (GH536); GH3600 (GH600); GH3625 (GH625); GH3652 (GH652);

2. Chinese brands: aging strengthened nickel-based high-temperature alloys
GH4033 (GH33); GH4037 (GH37); GH4049 (GH49); GH4080A (GH80A); GH4090 (GH90);
GH4093 (GH93); GH4098 (GH98); GH4099 (GH99); GH4105 (GH105); GH4133 (GH33A);
GH4133B; GH4141 (GH141); GH4145 (GH145); GH4163 (GH163); GH4169 (GH169); GH4199 (GH199)
; GH4202 (GH202); GH4220 (GH220); GH4413 (GH413); GH4500 (GH500);
GH4586 (GH586); GH4648 (GH648); GH4698 (GH698); GH4708 (GH708); GH4710 (GH710);
GH4738 (GH738; GH684); GH4742 (GH742);

3. American brand: solid solution strengthened nickel-based high temperature alloy
Haynes 214; Haynes 230; Inconel 600; Inconel 601; Inconel 602CA; Inconel 617; Inconel 625;RA333;Hastelloy B; Hastelloy N; Hastelloy S; Hastelloy W; Hastelloy X; Hastelloy C-276; Haynes HR-120; Haynes HR-160; Nimonic 75; Nimonic 86;

4. American brand: precipitation hardening nickel-based high-temperature alloy
Astroloy; Custom Age 625PLUS; Haynes 242; Haynes 263; Haynes R-41; Inconel 100;
Inconel 102; Incoloy 901; Inconel 702; Inconel 706; Inconel 718; Inconel 721; Inconel 722; Inconel 725; Inconel 751; Inconel X-750; M-252; Nimonic 80A;
Nimonic 90; Nimonic 95; Nimonic 100; Nimonic 105; Nimonic 115; C-263; Pyromet 860; Pyromet 31; Refractaloy 26; Rene, 41; Rene, 95; Rene, 100; Udimet 500; Udimet 520; Udimet 630; Udimet 700; Udimet 710; Unitemp af2-1DA; Waspaloy;

Hastelloy C276, Monel 400 and other corrosion resistant alloy
models: C276, B2, Monel 400, Ni, 600
Corrosion resistant alloy series · Commonly used corrosion resistant alloy series materials

Chinese brand foreign brand characteristics and uses
NS312 Inconel 600 resistant to high temperature oxide medium corrosion, used in heat treatment and chemical processing industrial equipment
NS112 Inconel 800H is resistant to corrosion by oxide media, has high resistance to high temperature and carburization, and is used for heating tubes, furnace tubes and components in synthetic fiber engineering.
NS322Hastelloy B-2 (Hastelloy B2) is resistant to corrosion by strong reducing media, improves resistance to intergranular corrosion, and is used in high-temperature hydrochloric acid and medium-concentration sulfuric acid environments.
NS334Hastelloy C276 (Hastelloy C276) is resistant to corrosion by oxidizing chloride aqueous solutions and wet chlorine and hypochlorous acid, and is used in highly corrosive oxidation-reduction composite medium environments.
00Cr20Ni26Mo4.5Cu1.5904L is highly resistant to chloride crevice corrosion and stress corrosion cracking, and has slightly better resistance to pitting corrosion. It is widely used in pulp and papermaking industries and chemical industries.
Pure nickel NICKEL200/201 is mainly used in the alkali industry as a material for steam pipes and alkali pumps.
00Cr21Ni24Mo6.5NAL-6XN high-molybdenum super-austenitic stainless steel, a cost-effective alloy that resists chloride ion and stress corrosion
NiCu28-2.5-1.5Monel 400 is a commonly used nickel-copper corrosion-resistant alloy. It has excellent corrosion resistance in hydrofluoric acid and fluorine gas.

GH3039 and other high temperature alloy series
models: GH3039, GH3030, GH4169
high temperature alloy series materials · Commonly used high temperature alloy series materials
Chinese brand basic composition characteristics and uses
GH1131Fe/Cr/Ni solid solution strengthened iron-based high temperature alloy, turbine engine combustion chamber and other high temperature parts working below 900℃
GH1140Fe/Cr/Ni solid solution strengthened iron-based high temperature alloy, high temperature parts working at temperatures above 800℃
GH2132Fe/Cr/Ni/Ti/Mo/VA-286, good hot processing plasticity and cutting processability, stamping welding parts and fastening parts materials
GH3030Ni/Cr good oxidation resistance and processing performance, temperature measuring thermocouple protection tube, used in high temperature oxidizing atmosphereGH3039Ni
/Cr/Mo has sufficient lasting strength at 800℃, good cold and hot fatigue performance and anti-carburization performance, easy to weld and cold stamping
GH4169Ni/Cr/Mo/NbInconel 718, oxidation resistant and heat-resistant material, used for ultra-high strength fasteners.

Monel alloy wire mesh is also known as monel wire mesh, monel screen, monel filter, monel square hole mesh, monel crimped mesh, and monel woven mesh.
Monel, also known as copper-nickel alloy, is an alloy made of nickel as the matrix with copper, iron, manganese and
other elements added. Monel alloy has good corrosion resistance and is silvery white, making it suitable for edge wire materials.
The main products are: MONEL® alloy 400; MONEL® alloy 401; MONEL® alloy 404; MONEL® alloy R-405; MONEL® alloy K-500;
Monel 400 alloy (UNSN04400 or MCu-28-1.5-1.8 or Ni68Cu28Fe) for monel wire mesh demister is a nickel-based alloy material with good corrosion resistance in seawater, chemical solvents, ammonia, sulfur, chlorine, chloride ions, various acidic media such as organic acids, alkaline media, salts and molten salts.
Monel 400 wire mesh: The structure of Monel 400 alloy is a high-strength single-phase solid solution. It is a corrosion-resistant alloy with the largest dosage, the widest application and excellent comprehensive performance. This alloy has excellent corrosion resistance in fluorine and gas media, and also has excellent corrosion resistance to hot concentrated alkali solution. At the same time, it is also resistant to corrosion by neutral solutions, water, seawater, steam, organic compounds, etc. An important feature of this alloy is that it generally does not produce stress corrosion cracks and has good cutting performance. 
Chemical composition of Monel wire mesh:
Ni: balance; Cu:28-34; Si:<0.5; Mn:<2.0; C: <0.30; Fe: <2.0Corrosion
resistance of Monel wire mesh:
The alloy has excellent corrosion resistance in fluorine gas and its derivatives. At the same time, it is more corrosion resistant than copper-based alloys in seawater.
Acid medium: M400 is corrosion resistant in concentrations less than 85%. M400 is one of the few important materials that can be used.
Water corrosion: In most water corrosion conditions, M400 alloy not only has excellent corrosion resistance, but also rarely suffers from pitting corrosion and stress corrosion, and the corrosion rate is less than 0.25mm/
a. High temperature corrosion: The maximum temperature at which M400 works continuously in air is generally around 600℃. In high temperature steam, the corrosion rate is less than 0.026mm/
a. Ammonia: Due to the high nickel content of Monel 400 alloy, it can resist corrosion under ammonia and ammoniated conditions below 585℃.

Product features of Monel Alloy Wire Mesh: Monel 400 is a corrosion-resistant alloy with large dosage, wide application and excellent comprehensive performance. This alloy has excellent corrosion resistance in hydrofluoric acid and fluorine gas media, and also has excellent corrosion resistance to hot concentrated alkali solution. It is also resistant to corrosion by neutral solutions, water, seawater, atmosphere, organic compounds, etc. An important feature of this alloy is that it generally does not produce stress corrosion cracks and has good cutting performance. The structure of Monel 400 alloy is a high-strength single-phase solid solution. Corrosion resistance of
products: Monel 400 alloy has excellent corrosion resistance in fluorine gas, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid and their derivatives. At the same time, it is more corrosion-resistant than copper-based alloys in seawater. Acid medium: Monel 400 is corrosion-resistant in sulfuric acid with a concentration of less than 85%. Monel 400 is one of the very few important materials that can resist hydrofluoric acid. Water corrosion: Monel 400 alloy has excellent corrosion resistance in most water corrosion conditions, and pitting corrosion and stress corrosion are rarely found, and the corrosion rate is less than 0.025mm/a. High temperature corrosion: The highest temperature of Monel 400 in continuous operation in air is generally around 600℃, and the corrosion rate in high-temperature steam is less than 0.026mm/a. Ammonia: Due to the high nickel content of Monel 400 alloy, it can resist corrosion under anhydrous ammonia and ammoniation conditions below 585℃.

Product application: Monel 400 alloy is a versatile material that can be used in many industrial fields:
1. Seamless water pipes and steam pipes in power plants 2. Seawater exchangers and evaporators 3. Sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid environments 4. Crude oil distillation 5. Pump shafts and propellers of deep seawater equipment 6. Equipment used in the nuclear industry for uranium refining and isotope separation 7. Pumps and valves used in the manufacture of hydrochloric acid equipment.

Copper wire mesh is also known as copper wire mesh cloth, copper wire woven mesh, copper wire filter mesh, copper wire cloth, copper wire screen, copper wire filter mesh, copper wire square hole mesh, copper wire crimping mesh.
Types of copper wire mesh: brass wire mesh, phosphor bronze wire mesh (tin bronze wire mesh), copper wire mesh, etc.
1. Brass mesh material: brass wire
characteristics : non-magnetic, wear-resistant, good ductility.
Specifications: 10 mesh/inch-100 mesh/inch Width: 0.6-1.5m
Weave: plain weave, twill.
Uses: screening various particles, powders, porcelain clay, glass, porcelain printing, filtering liquids and gases.
2. Phosphor copper mesh: alias tin bronze mesh
Material: phosphor copper wire (tin bronze wire)
Features: non-magnetic, wear-resistant, good ductility.
Specifications: 10 mesh/inch-350 mesh/inch Width: 0.6-1.5m
Weaving: plain weave, twill.
Uses: screening various particles, powders, porcelain clay, glass, porcelain printing, filtering liquids and gases.
3. Copper mesh: alias exhibition mesh
Material: copper wire
Features : non-magnetic, wear-resistant, good sound insulation, filtering electron beam
Specifications: 4 mesh/inch-60 mesh. Inch
width: 0.76-1.2m
Weaving: plain weave, twill.
Uses: screening various particles, powders, porcelain clay, glass, wall sound insulation, electronic display screens.

Titanium wire mesh is also known as titanium mesh, titanium filter mesh, titanium wire woven mesh, titanium wire square hole mesh, titanium alloy screen mesh, titanium wire crimping mesh, titanium wire metal mesh.
The types of titanium wire mesh include titanium plate mesh, titanium foil mesh, titanium plate stretched mesh, titanium foil stretched mesh, titanium wire woven mesh, titanium plate punching mesh, titanium wire woven gas-liquid filter mesh, electrode titanium mesh, filter titanium mesh, screening titanium mesh, pure titanium mesh, and titanium alloy mesh.
Material: pure titanium, titanium alloy;
Brand: TA1, TA2, TA3, GR1, GR2;
1. Pure titanium wire Ti≥99.6%
2. High-purity titanium wire, bright surface without oxide layer
3. Medical titanium wire
weaving method: plain, twill, dense weave
Aperture: 0.02mm-23.7mm
Mesh: 0.3 mesh-400 mesh
Width: 5mm-2000mm 
Performance: acid-resistant, alkali-resistant, high-temperature-resistant, wear-resistant and other properties.
Uses: Titanium has excellent qualities such as light weight, high strength, low temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, and oxidation resistance. It is widely used in aerospace, shipbuilding, military industry, chemical machinery, electric power, seawater desalination, medical equipment and other fields, and plays an important role in the development of the national economy. It can also be used in high-temperature electric furnaces, mining, petroleum, chemical industry, food, medicine, machinery manufacturing and other industries.

Inconel wire mesh is also known as Inconel wire mesh, Inconel alloy wire mesh, Inconel alloy wire mesh, Inconel mesh, filter mesh, etc. Inconel
alloy wire mesh grades: inconel600, inconel601, inconel625, inconel690, inconel718, inconel X-750.
Inconel wire mesh is a nickel-based alloy mesh that can be used in a temperature range from low temperature to 1093 degrees. It has no magnetism, very good cold forming performance, good welding performance, good corrosion resistance to medium-intensity reducing environments, and will not corrode in chloride ions and alkaline salt solutions. The products have been used in industries such as petrochemicals, aerospace and military industry, hydropower and nuclear power, oil refining and shipbuilding, onshore and offshore oil and gas, pulp and papermaking, chemical fiber, machinery and equipment manufacturing, and heat exchangers, and are highly recognized by customers.

NiCu30Fe wire mesh is also known as copper-nickel alloy wire mesh, NiCu30Fe filter mesh, NiCu30Fe screen mesh, NiCu30Fe woven mesh, and NiCu30Fe metal mesh.
Common grades of copper-nickel alloy wire mesh: NCu40-2-1, NCu28-1-1, NCu28-2.5-1.5, NCu30 (NW4400) (N04400), NCu30-3-0.5 (NW5500) (N05500), and NCu35-1.5-1.5.
NiCu30Fe is a copper-nickel alloy with excellent corrosion resistance. It has good corrosion resistance in various media, good welding performance, high strength and medium strength. The alloy has been widely used in many occasions. It has excellent resistance to pitting and stress corrosion in salt water or seawater. Especially resistant to hydrofluoric acid and hydrochloric acid. It is widely used in chemical, petroleum, marine industry, chemical and petrochemical industry, seawater desalination and marine equipment structures.

0Cr18Ni13 metal wire woven square hole mesh introduction - Anping County Maoqun Wire Mesh Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
0Cr18Ni13 metal wire woven square hole mesh is also known as 0Cr18Ni13 metal mesh, 0Cr18Ni13 woven mesh, 0Cr18Ni13 filter mesh, 0Cr18Ni13 screen mesh, 0Cr18Ni13 stainless steel mesh, 0Cr18Ni13 square hole screen mesh.
0Cr18Ni13 metal wire woven square hole mesh weaving method: plain weave square hole mesh, twill weave square hole mesh.
The filtration accuracy is divided into two levels: A and B.
0Cr18Ni13 metal wire woven square hole mesh implementation standard: HB1862-93

Niobium mesh types and uses - Anping County Maoqun Wire Mesh Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Niobium mesh is also known as niobium wire mesh, niobium wire woven mesh, niobium wire filter mesh, niobium wire screen mesh, niobium wire square hole mesh.
Niobium mesh material: Niobium, Niobium (Nb) Grade: Nb1 Nb2
Niobium mesh implementation standard: GB/T, ASTMB and relevant national standards Content ≥ 99.95% (maximum: 99.99%)
Niobium mesh process: forging, rolling, drawing Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm)
Niobium mesh type: plain niobium mesh/twill niobium mesh/niobium dense mesh
Niobium mesh performance: corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, strong tensile strength and strong wear resistance
Niobium mesh use: used in chemical industry, medical treatment, glasses, electricity, electroplating, electronics, aviation, aerospace, military industry, petroleum
Note: If there are special requirements for the supply size and specifications, it can be customized according to customer requirements through negotiation between the two parties.

Anping County Maoqun Wire Mesh Manufacturing Co., Ltd.'s main products are: metal wire mesh, metal screen, metal filter, stainless steel wire mesh, stainless steel screen, stainless steel filter, nickel alloy wire mesh, titanium wire mesh, nickel-chromium alloy wire mesh, Inconel wire mesh and a series of industrial metal wire woven wire mesh for industrial construction and other industries. The products are of complete specifications and excellent quality. While meeting the needs of domestic customers, they are also exported to many countries and regions such as Europe, America, Southeast Asia, and Africa. (Special specifications, materials, and special-shaped nets can be customized)

Pure metals: tungsten wire mesh, molybdenum wire mesh, nickel wire mesh, titanium wire mesh, silver wire mesh, zirconium wire mesh, etc. Alloys
: high temperature resistant alloy mesh, corrosion resistant alloy mesh, precious metal alloy mesh, monel, hastelloy, inconel, iron chromium aluminum wire mesh, nickel chromium alloy wire mesh, Inconel wire mesh, etc.

Hastelloy: C-276, C-22
High temperature alloy: GH4169, GH3030, GH3039, GH4145, GH2132, GH3128, GH3044, GH3536
Corrosion resistant alloy: NS312, NS334, NS333, NS321, NS322, NS336, NS313, NS143, NS142,
Nickel-based alloy: Inconel718, Inconel600, In conel625, Inconel601, Inconel617, Inconel690, Inconel926, Inconel925, X-750, 1.4529AL-6XN, alloy20, Incoloy800\800H\800HT, Incoloy825
precision alloy: 4J36, 4JI29, 1J79, 1J85.
Monel alloy: Monel400, Monel K500, 17-4PH, 17-7PH, 254smo, 253MA, XM-19, etc.
Widely used in petrochemical equipment plants are: OCR25A15, 0cr20Ni80, 0cr20Ni35, 0cr25Ni20, SUS310S, SUS309S, SUS321, SUS316, 2205, 2507, c-276, 400, 600, 625, 904L, 800, 825, black stainless steel, colored stainless steel, foam nickel, etc.

Made in China Mao Qun stainless steel wire mesh, stainless steel screen mesh, stainless steel woven mesh, nickel alloy wire mesh, copper wire mesh, screen mesh,GFW metal wire mesh,Stainless steel wire mesh,Alloy wire mesh,Knitted metal wire mesh,Woven Wire Mesh,Structured packing
