Incoloy800 alloy wire mesh

Incoloy800 alloy wire mesh is also known as Incoloy800 filter mesh, Incoloy800 woven mesh, Incoloy800 screen, Incoloy800 square hole mesh, Incoloy800 punching plate, Incoloy800 diamond mesh, Incoloy800 metal wire mesh, Incoloy800 filter mesh, etc.

Incoloy800 alloy wire mesh is also known as Incoloy800 filter mesh, Incoloy800 woven mesh, Incoloy800 screen, Incoloy800 square hole mesh, Incoloy800 punching plate, Incoloy800 diamond mesh, Incoloy800 metal wire mesh, Incoloy800 filter mesh, etc.

 Incoloy800 alloywire mesh types: Incoloy800 woven mesh, Incoloy800 punching mesh, Incoloy800 steel plate mesh, Incoloy800 welded mesh, Incoloy800 crimped mesh, Incoloy800 filler mesh, Incoloy800 wire mesh demister, Incoloy800 plain mesh, Incoloy800 twill mesh, Incoloy800 stainless steel mesh belt, etc.
Incoloy800 alloy wire mesh number: 1-3200 mesh;
Incoloy800 alloy wire mesh weaving methods: plain weave, twill weave, bamboo flower weave, plain Dutch weave, twill Dutch weave, reverse Dutch weave, welding, punching and other methods.
Incoloy800 alloy wire mesh width: 0.1-18 meters wide;
Incoloy800 alloy wire mesh production implementation standard: GB/T5330-2003;
Incoloy800 alloy wire mesh filtration accuracy model: GFW, GF1W, GF2W, GF3W;
Incoloy800 alloy wire mesh similar grades: 0Cr20Ni32AlTi, the United States: No8800, Japan: NCF800, West Germany: X2NiCrAlTi3220;
Heat-resistant steel alloy INCOLOY 800 is a steel alloy with a specific heat capacity of 455J/(kg·℃) and a density of 8.0g/cm3.
The Cr content of Incoloy 800 alloy is usually 15-25%, the nickel content is 30-45%, and it contains a small amount of aluminum and titanium. 
After rapid cooling from high temperature, the 800 alloy is in the austenite single area, so the use state is a single austenite structure. 
The alloy has a high chromium content and sufficient nickel content, so it has a high resistance to 
high temperature corrosion and is widely used in industry. In chlorides, low-concentration NaOH aqueous solutions and high-temperature and high-pressure water, it has excellent resistance to stress corrosion cracking, so it is used to manufacture equipment resistant to stress corrosion cracking.
Application areas: desalination plants, chemical industry, nuclear generators, nitric acid coolers, acetic anhydride cracking tubes, heat exchange equipment, heat exchange tubes, petroleum, chemical plants, coking plants, power plants, refineries, nuclear power plants, aviation, military industry, etc.
Incoloy800 corrosion resistance: The corrosion resistance is better than that of general austenitic stainless steel and better than that of Incolo600 alloy; In the manufacture of corrosion-resistant stress cracking equipment, it is better than Incolo600 and Monel400 alloys.

Made in China Mao Qun stainless steel wire mesh, stainless steel screen mesh, stainless steel woven mesh, nickel alloy wire mesh, copper wire mesh, screen mesh,GFW metal wire mesh,Stainless steel wire mesh,Alloy wire mesh,Knitted metal wire mesh,Woven Wire Mesh,Structured packing

Made in China Mao Qun stainless steel wire mesh, stainless steel screen mesh, stainless steel woven mesh, nickel alloy wire mesh, copper wire mesh, screen mesh,GFW metal wire mesh,Stainless steel wire mesh,Alloy wire mesh,Knitted metal wire mesh,Woven Wire Mesh,Structured packing

Made in China Mao Qun stainless steel wire mesh, stainless steel screen mesh, stainless steel woven mesh, nickel alloy wire mesh, copper wire mesh, screen mesh,GFW metal wire mesh,Stainless steel wire mesh,Alloy wire mesh,Knitted metal wire mesh,Woven Wire Mesh,Structured packing

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