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Classification and application industries of 309S stainless steel woven wire mesh

2024-06-14 10:10:57 wiremeshxr

Classification and application industries of 309S stainless steel woven wire mesh
309S stainless steel woven wire mesh is classified by use: (1) Bridge stainless steel woven wire mesh (2) Boiler stainless steel woven wire mesh (3) Shipbuilding stainless steel woven wire mesh (4) Armored stainless steel woven wire mesh (5) Automobile stainless steel woven wire mesh (6) Roofing stainless steel woven wire mesh (7) Structural stainless steel woven wire mesh (8) Electrical steel plate stainless steel woven wire mesh (9) Spring stainless steel woven wire mesh (10) Solar energy special stainless steel woven wire mesh (11) Others 2. Common Japanese brand
309S stainless steel woven wire mesh for ordinary and mechanical structure is classified by steel type:
(1) Austenite (2) Austenite-ferrite (3) Ferrite (4) Martensite, precipitation hardening Note: Precipitation hardening (precipitation strengthening): refers to a heat treatment process in which the solute atoms in the supersaturated solid solution are concentrated and (or) the particles are dispersed in the matrix to cause hardening. For example, austenitic precipitated stainless steel can obtain high strength by precipitation hardening at 400-500℃ or 700-800℃ after solution treatment or cold working. That is, the supersaturated solid solution of some alloys is placed at room temperature or heated to more.
309/309S stainless steel wire mesh application industry introduction
309/309S, 310/310S stainless steel is widely used in heat treatment/processing industry due to its high temperature resistance and oxidation resistance. Because of this, these alloys are often processed into complex structures. The processability of carbon steel is generally considered to be the standard in metal forming operations. The performance of austenitic stainless steel is very different from that of carbon steel: austenitic stainless steel is more difficult to process and hardens very quickly. Although this does not change the processing methods we generally use, such as cutting, machining, forming, etc., these characteristics affect the specific details of these processing methods.
   Standard techniques for cutting and machining ordinary mild steels can be used to machine austenitic stainless steels with minor modifications. However, austenitic stainless steels are more difficult to machine and harden very quickly. The chips produced during machining are fine and hard, retaining considerable ductility. Tools used for machining should be sharp and rigid. Deep and slow cuts are generally used for hardened areas. Due to the low thermal conductivity and high coefficient of thermal expansion of austenitic stainless steels, heat removal and dimensional tolerances must be considered during cutting and machining.
   Austenitic stainless steels can be cold formed by bending, stretch forming, roll forming, hammering, flaring/flanging, turning, fine drawing, and hydroforming. Austenitic stainless steels tend to harden during machining, which is manifested by the increasing forces required during machining. This means that more powerful forming equipment is required and ultimately limits the degree of formability.
   Because of various environmental and metallographic factors, the temperature range for hot working of 309 and 310 is relatively narrow. The initial temperature range of forging is 1800-2145°F (980-1120°C), and the final temperature cannot be lower than 1800°F (980°C). Processing at too high a temperature will reduce the thermoplasticity of the alloy due to environmental and metallographic factors, especially the formation of ferrite. Processing at too low a temperature will form a brittle second phase, such as sigma phase. After forging, the forging needs to be quickly cooled to dark heat.

Made in China Mao Qun stainless steel wire mesh, stainless steel screen mesh, stainless steel woven mesh, nickel alloy wire mesh, copper wire mesh, screen mesh,GFW metal wire mesh,Stainless steel wire mesh,Alloy wire mesh,Knitted metal wire mesh,Woven Wire Mesh,Structured packing
